
are You wEird?

wrong answer

weirdo on base logo
vEry weirD
dev dumped his coins
comMunity Takeover
truELy based
weirdos beLong oN-chain
vEry weirD
dev dumped his coins
comMunity Takeover
truELy based
weirdos beLong oN-chain
vEry weirD
dev dumped his coins
comMunity Takeover
truELy based
weirdos beLong oN-chain

about de wEirdos

(based + true story)

uS crypto degenerates (weirdos) are outcasts of society

society look at us and laugh bcus we chose weird internet coins over fiat (fake) moneys

They saY we wEird

howeva, we dOn’t care what society thinks,

wEird internet coins make da world better pLace

weiRD means

and everyone hAve great weirdness in their hEart, but they may noT knOw it yeT

so us weirdos are makin the change

mission is to unite the weirdest weirdos (69m+ of dem), to get weird wid us onchain

No TAx
LP locked
very wEird
vEry weirD
dev dumped his coins
comMunity Takeover
truELy based
weirdos beLong oN-chain
vEry weirD
dev dumped his coins
comMunity Takeover
truELy based
weirdos beLong oN-chain
vEry weirD
dev dumped his coins
comMunity Takeover
truELy based
weirdos beLong oN-chain

100% taKen oVer by wEirdos

The oG DEV abandoned uS on fiRst day of launCh (lol weIRD)

buT weird is culture, weird is lIfe, anD truest weirdos are heRe to staY

nOw 100% COmmUnity owned

[comMunitY maDe new artwork & weBpage too]

now 100% wEIRD

nOW TRUelY baSed


hOW tO get wEIRD?

Add BASE network to your wallet

Go to ‘settings’ option within your crypto wallet then locate ‘networks’ section. Click ‘add network’ then ‘add network manually’

Input the following details:

  • Network Name: BASE
  • RPC Endpoint:
  • Chain ID: 8453
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer:

Once you click ‘Save’, you can use the BASE network by selecting BASE from the network selection menu.

Fund your BASE wallet

For this, you have a couple of options:

  1. Transfer ETH from Coinbase, Bybit, OKX or any exchange that supports BASE network. (Must send the ETH via BASE network)
  2. Utilise the following bridges to transfer ETH to BASE from another chain:

To bridge your ETH to the BASE network, connect your wallet, choose the network you wish to bridge from, select BASE as the target network then specify the amount of ETH you intend to transfer.

Visit Uniswap

Now you have ETH on the BASE network in your wallet, you can now buy $WEIRDO

  1. Ensure you have the BASE network selected from the network dropdown menu on Uniswap and your wallet.
  2. Visit
  3. Here you will use ETH to swap for $WEIRDO. In the lower field choose a token and enter the official $WEIRDO token address found below:


Buy $WEIRDO on Uniswap

Execute the swap by following these steps:

  1. Input the desired amount of ETH
  2. Click on the settings button and adjust the slippage to 3-4%
  3. Click on ‘Swap’
  4. Approve and confirm the transaction within your wallet

Congrats, you are now a WEIRDO!

If you'd like to track the price of the weirdest coin on BASE, you can do so on DexScreener

CA:  0x76734b57dfe834f102fb61e1ebf844adf8dd931e

hOW tO get wEIRD?

Add BASE network to your wallet

Go to ‘settings’ option within your crypto wallet then locate ‘networks’ section. Click ‘add network’ then ‘add network manually’

Input the following details:

  • Network Name: BASE
  • RPC Endpoint:
  • Chain ID: 8453
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
  • Block Explorer:

Once you click ‘Save’, you can use the BASE network by selecting BASE from the network selection menu.

Fund your BASE wallet

For this, you have a couple of options:

  1. Transfer ETH from Coinbase, Bybit, OKX or any exchange that supports BASE network. (Must send the ETH via BASE network)
  2. Utilise the following bridges to transfer ETH to BASE from another chain:

To bridge your ETH to the BASE network, connect your wallet, choose the network you wish to bridge from, select BASE as the target network then specify the amount of ETH you intend to transfer.

Visit Uniswap

Now you have ETH on the BASE network in your wallet, you can now buy $WEIRDO

  1. Ensure you have the BASE network selected from the network dropdown menu on Uniswap and your wallet.
  2. Visit
  3. Here you will use ETH to swap for $WEIRDO. In the lower field choose a token and enter the official $WEIRDO token address found below:


Buy $WEIRDO on Uniswap

Execute the swap by following these steps:

  1. Input the desired amount of ETH
  2. Click on the settings button and adjust the slippage to 3-4%
  3. Click on ‘Swap’
  4. Approve and confirm the transaction within your wallet

Congrats, you are now a WEIRDO!

If you'd like to track the price of the weirdest coin on BASE, you can do so on DexScreener

CA:  0x76734b57dfe834f102fb61e1ebf844adf8dd931e